Friday, October 3, 2008

Hunting time!

Hunting season is upon us. Actually the bow hunting season opened here mid-September. My husband is a bow hunter, and he likes to try different things to hopefully get the advantage over the deer. This year he bought himself a special bar of soap. It's unscented, and is supposed to help get rid of human scent.

Hmm...that sounds fairly familiar (my "Tall Tale" soap?). Nope. It wasn't Tall Tale, and I'm sure he paid a pretty penny for it too.

That's fine. Give it a try I say. But I picked it up in the shower and didn't like the feel of it. It wasn't smooth feeling like my soap. And Honey, I also make one that's unscented (Bare Naked), and one that's supposed to attract deer. : )

I didn't say anything, just let him use his special soap.

Then last week he told me that he had to stop using it because his skin felt really dry! He went back to my soap and could immediately tell the difference.

Guess we all have to live and learn!

By the way...he's been throwing small pieces of my soap around out in our woods this year, hoping that the deer will get used to the smell...'cause he smells like soap all the time. Hope it works for him!

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